
My Angel wolf Cendra passed away this morning

You might think that I haven't been here for ages to explain something about my stitches.
Today is not about sewing but about life, about love for those little sweethearts (4 paws)who always lived with me at home, one of them has left me today, Cendra, she lies in the land of the garden of my best friends .
I will always love her, I will always remember her elegance and smart look , as a husky she never barked , but her eyes spoke to me in different ways for what she wanted.
I feel a great void and some consolation because the end was peaceful ,
I feel so sad and tired,
dogs are like sons or daughters that do not survive us,
that is the hardest part to live with my best friends dogs..

I always will love you Cendra , you are in my mind with : Nord, Ros, Nina, and all those whom I have the joy to love .

 White eyelashes, clear look

She liked to bask in the Sun
Kitchen was her favourite room

Rest In Peace my love .
Tina is also asking for you 

4 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo1/05/2016

    Bless all dogs for their soul is white as snow...

  2. She looks like a lovely girl. You must have some wonderful memories for her to take with her.

    1. Thanks Debra , maybe you never will see my answer ( blogspot no good on that)
      but I appreciate you take the time to let me know your feelings about my pain


You make my day !