
Bye Bye 2013 !


Mas rapido que nunca...(o son los anios ?) aqui estamos un anio mas..y feliz de poder decirlo !

Santa ha sido tan generoso estas Navidades que estoy feliz, feliz con mi nuevo equipo de costura , nueva maquina de coser y nueva lupa-luz que me va a permitir disfrutar mas con mi trabajo, ya que mi nueva Singer ,con mas de 70 puntos decorativos  , me va a ayudar con  las aplicaciones y mucho mas que eso...asi que estoy deseando tener mas tiempo para practicar y conocernos mejor.
I'm glad, I'm happy because I got from Santa a new sewing 'team' , a new sewing machine and a magnifying glass with lights for my tired eyes  ..isn't gorgeous ? 
My new Singer Brilliance 6180 has more than 70 stitches possibilities ... , well, isn't a Bernina..I know !! but for my is like having a new challenger , which I can make now applique and so on , that  I couldn't do before with my old Singer....That's a good New Year Resolution...sewing better, neat and confortable...Let me show you ... 

Oh Noooooooo ...no, no it is a joke !!

This is mine  !

Important update as well from my studio: :Here my old team mates :logistic leader, communication leader, distributor leader , sales leader...
but the only one is working every day in the workshop , is not in the picture...is me !!! LOL

 Do you have the impression  this happens many times  ??

Have a very nice 2014 

Oh !! forgot the only one is in my studio with me , occupying the director's chair Tina:

2 comentarios:

  1. enjoy your new toy! though the old Singer looks lovely too...my Mum has the legs with the big foot pedal of an old Singer and she put a table top on it.

  2. Oh yes..I remember this one !! Nowadays they are in some coffee shop ! LOL How nice !


You make my day !