
Updated from my Avatars , al dia de mis Vicisitudes

A mis ventas le dan  forma mis clientes..ellos son la razo'n por la que sigo en esto, la mayoria de mis ventas son propuestas a medida para ellos , algunas veces lo creais o no , he sido incapaz de decir que NO y he tenido frente a mi un nuevo RETO..creo que ellos lo notan, y confian en lo que voy a hacer , saben que cada puntada esta hecha con todo el cuidado pensando en quien lo recibe . No suelo hablar de 'amor' pero es como lo preciben.
My business have been shaped by customers, my project are mostly commissioned, believe me or not,  being bespoke even sometimes against my point of view...I would explain about that, Do you ever had a customer order (made-t-order) and you advise in other direction but at last you accept ???
That happens to me lately ...They know I do my best to made with care (I never said 'with love') ..but it seems they perceive...

Alguien pregunto' por una cortina de mi estilo, Lino fino con vainicas, me parecia poco honesto no advertir que podia ser un incoveniente..que mejor lino mas recio, acepte' y ha sido un exito.
A customer ask me for a big, big Linen curtain in the way I do, drawn-thread work...I explain that will be too big with a thin Linen , she insist , I accept, and happly finished have been  really a nice work OAK (one of a kind) If I do say so myself ...
It is in a big window from Chicago , near the Lake Michigan , and I'm excited to say that in a new apartment looks very nice as well.

Take a look:

1- Very bad picture in my garden, too big for my husband...ha ha 90 inch wide  (2 m 20cm ancho)

2- At customer's home :

Comenta,  alimenta mi blog........Te sucedio' alguna vez un RETO parecido ?
Algo no te gusta y acaba siendo favorito?

Would you tell me if at any time happens to you that a bad start becomes a challenge and taught you?

Feliz semana..nos vemos pronto!
Have a nice week and speak soon !

4 comentarios:

  1. oh yes, I know what you mean. It happens on occasion. But mostly I am right about my designs ;-D ! I love this curtain...makes me want to get rid of my muslin ones that never look like I washed them and get these instead...maybe some day....

    1. Hi Anne Marie ...Honored you like it even for your home...that means you 'really' like....LOL
      See you soon

  2. Hi Margarita, I love this curtain, looks very good up in the house. Well done.

    1. Yes ..Liga , I don't see you for ages !! I hope you are well and Craft fair happily finished ..LOL
      lot of work going up and down..
      Thanks for taking the time on comment .


You make my day !