
TUTORIAL Disappearing 9Patch with scalloped edges/ 9Patch quilt terminado con ondas

Disappearing 9Patch Block with  2 Charm Packs 'Plum Sweet ' fabrics by Blackbird designs.
As usual I don't want to talk about Tutorial, it seems arrogant to me, such pattern it is known enough, but
what I want, looking for my own design, is to explain  what I do for sashing my blocks.

First of all I arranged my blocks into different layout, having all of them 4 new-born patch as a result of cutting the 9P, they are combined as a 4 - 5"P in a frame and secondly the most used as a X's block.
Laying blocks : 3 rows by 3 columns alternating in between  them : 9 B in total .
En una base de 9 patch , ya conoceis suficientemente como hacer 'desaparecer y obtener algo bien distinto'
hay muchos tutoriales en la web, lo que me parece muy util y queria resaltar, como enmarcar de forma facil y rapida cada bloc, lo aprendi aqui  , en el resultado de los 2 disenios obtenidos al cortar los bloques de 9patch  y emmarcardos solo dos lados del bloque cuadrado en blanco  .Al final he obtenido una sensacion de bloques cayendo al cololcarlos de forma desigual..mirad las fotos..se entiende mejor.

design Block 1
design Block 2

I decided sashing each block in 2 sides as I learned from Jenny from the Missoury Star Co. here ,
I like so much her know-how on make it easier and how she explains. In case you never seen before would be interesting.
By cutting a 3" wide and long WOF strip ( white in my case) , over it lay down one block behind other in chain, you can stack and sew at a time along the strip to speed this up .
After sew all of them in the strip, trim leftover intro the measure of your block square.
Making the same for the second side ..sashing in chain , you will have each block with 2 sash corner.
Playing with ..I didn't disposse all the same  and come out as they go down..funny !
Have a look :

Corte una tira de 3" de ancho por el ancho total de la tela
y fui cosiendo en cadena uno tras otro bloc.....corte al final a la medida del lado .
En el segundo lado del cuadrado lo mismo

Sewing Face to face over strip/  Cara a cara sobre la tira 

    Segunda tira lo mismo , respetando misma posicion siempre...es un trabajo en cadena :-))

  Mismo resultado en cada bloque /  Each block has same white corners.

  One sashed corner is first to the left hand right up , second to the left down..alternate , second row rotate.
  Estan dispuestos rotando , una vez arriba a la derecha, el siguiente abajo dcha.

All have been unified with a narrow white band 2.5".

And the second TUTO here is about scalloped edges (you can find also here)and I want to show you an easy and cheap way to do that As usual by using tissue paper as a pattern and a plate as a 'ruler' .
I would make a scalloped edges of 11" width around all (4 sides)
After add 12" of flower print fabric from same design...I have placed  tissue paper over the print frame and by using a dish I drawn the ripples, smoothing in between them for easy binding.
Better take a look, is easy and measures are in the pictures....

    8 " diameter

  Traced a diagonal to place  better corner ...

And now....before to place template  and to cut on fabric ...you should enhanced in my case by FMQ
meandering , or whatever you want ....

 About 70 " width and square Quilt.

IMPORTANT : Do NOTstrongly mark the waves .

Coming soon the binding...I will show you next week.../ Proxima semana el bies para terminar.

Happy week and thanks for your interest on my work/ Nos vemos pronto las colegas del viernes !

4 comentarios:

  1. Love seeing how other crafts people work. I really like how those berry and chocolate colour blocks pop against the white borders

  2. OHHH... Maravilloso trabajo me ha encantado!!
    Gracias por compartir tutorial.
    Bss guapa;))

    1. De verdad Paqui ?..entonces a valido la pena..tus trabajos son pulcros y bellos ..
      Gracias por pasarte por casa ! je je


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