
TExturas / TEXTURES on linen and lace.

╰☆╮Quality commitment╰☆╮
Linen Artisan has only one goal - your satisfaction! 
I want to do everything I can to make sure that you are delighted with every product you purchase.
If , for any reason, you want to return any item, just send it back to me for an exchange.
I believe that ordering a project or a piece from my Atelier should be just as much fun as I have 
sewing.I value your friendship and trust above all.
Please take a look what can I do for you here:
Thanks so much for stopping by !
 I pray with this in my shop, it's my 'mantra' .I like my job so much and I can not imagine that someone could be unhappy with it .Crazy , rigth?? we can not satisfy everyone , I know ! but if someone told me that my work at home has been different from what expected  I disappoint myself.
During the process , in my workshop, I send pictures from the project, clients can see how is made, step by step.
My work is mostly commisioned and bespoked ,against  to be a highly profitable business  I don't care so much which satisfaction is also a good income I'm definitely out of a system that rewards the greedy people..
 I'm looking for (small) daily happiness...Am I  fool ??
Yo rezo con esto en mi tienda, es mi mantra, me gusta tanto mi trabajo que no concibo que alguien quede descontento, ...loca verdad? Direis que es inevitable , no se gusta a tod@as por igual, lo se, pero si alguien me dijera que al recibir el encargo en casa lo ha visto distinto a lo esperado y no le gusta, seria muy decepcionante para mi.Durante el proceso de un encargo mando fotos a mi cliente.Trabajo principalmente bajo encargo,proyectos personalizados que hemos acordado antes con fotos de su casa, y contra todo pronostico de ser un negocio altamente rentable, pero no me importa yo busco la satisfaccion como el mejor de todos los pagos, no padezco de la 'depre' de los lunes, pues trabajo domingo si hace falta .definitivamente estoy fuera de un sistema que premia la avaricia sobretodas las cosas , yo busco la felicidad de lo cotidiano...en las pequenias cosas.
Esto es lo que he hecho ultimamente para una cliente que regresa y elogia mi trabajo...es tan encantadora  Gracias Rachel !
Cortinas para un ventanal en 3 secciones laterales mas pequenios : 50 x 100 cm  y un central de 100 x 100 cm ...un reto, pues a Rachel le gustan los ambientes claros y diafanos , las cortinas estan en una estancia donde predomina una alfombra de estilo clasico con grandes dibujos ,sofas en tonos marrones y malva , como la alfombra, las cortinas confeccionadas con puntas hechas a mano de ganchillo pero con mucho relieve, nada romantico de finas puntillas de encaje, mas bien que domine sobre el Lino y permita gran entrada de luz...que os parece ? Estilo Art-deco
I want for my customer in this case , retuning customer , a piece that show texture , not exactly 
a romantic shabby chic one,which she loves  but a piece who combines with a carpet in the room that remembers me the classical/ antique Turkey design in brown and mauve colours  which gives a big personality in her living room...
Rachel likes clear and relaxed atmosphere and for the big window she wants a white linen ..'the carved crochet' (I have to say) gives a sophisticated look and allows light entrance through it.
The crochet insertion Lace is all hand stitched , specifically hem stitched, with drawn work on it and for the small flower is machine appliquee . I like how looks like when you see curtain through the light..is gorgeous.

Colores que van a dominar en la estancia/ Living room colours

No es un jardin el mejor lugar para ellas....pero cada visillo en su ventana !
Vainicas y aplicaciones de pequenias flores de ganchillo , a maquina.

Detalle de la punta de ganchillo cosida con vainicas , todo a mano !

La trasera importa, pues se ve desde la calle /  Reverse matter because will be seen on the street.
You cannot appreciate that is a reverse side.

Desde el porche en el exterior / Beautiful  window ,seen outside on the porch.
Creo que van a quedar perfectas donde van !!/ I'm excited to see them in its place !
EN 6 DIAS LLEGARON A CASA !!   (foto oscura ..van a llegar mas )
KEEPING  UP ..curtains arrived in 6 days.. (it is a dark pic ..more will come ) Take a look!!
Isn't it beautiful !!

Podeis consultar precios aqui    /     Here explanations and price...

Feliz semana con la tela entre-manos !   Happy sewing week....end !

3 comentarios:

  1. I love these curtains. My Mum would too. Next time she goes to change the muslin ones in her living room she should get these...I will tell her.

    1. Thanks so much Anne Marie...I bought lately a vintage ending lace really gorgeous ...
      I'm not a fan of lace in any where but in some project I love the retro look ...for curtains depending of the window..it looks like a piece of heritage...amazing !

  2. Anónimo4/04/2014

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